The Central Indiana Corporate Partnership (CICP), together with the supporting CICP Foundation, was formed in 1999 to bring together the chief executives of Central Indiana’s prominent corporations, foundations and universities in a strategic and collaborative effort dedicated to the region’s continued prosperity and growth.
Understanding the region’s strengths and opportunities was a critical mission for CICP in its early development, and in 2001, CICP released an ambitious blueprint for economic development in Central Indiana in partnership with the Battelle Memorial Institute. It focused on key industry clusters – life sciences, advanced manufacturing and logistics, and technology, with an overall focus on entrepreneurship to diversify Central Indiana’s economy.
To advance this mission, CICP sponsors five key talent and industry sector initiatives, AgriNovus Indiana, Ascend Indiana, BioCrossroads, Conexus Indiana and TechPoint, each of which addresses challenges and opportunities unique to its respective area: agbiosciences, talent and workforce development, life sciences, advanced manufacturing and logistics and technology.
Lilly Endowment Inc. provides financial support for the CICP Foundation’s charitable, educational and scientific activities.
Transform the economy of Indiana in order to create a sustainable prosperity and quality of life for our citizens and future generations.

In addition to its initiatives, CICP has spearheaded a number of strategic projects that are advancing the growth of Indiana’s economy: