New research from NORC at the University of Chicago finds that more than half of all Hoosiers have participated in at least one entrepreneurial activity, which includes involvement in or steps toward business ownership or freelancing. However, the survey shows that current business planners and other potential entrepreneurs could benefit from more resources and support. The data comes from Entrepreneurship in the Population: Indiana (EPOP-IN), a survey commissioned by the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership (CICP).
“A thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem is a critical part of having a dynamic economy. We wanted to dive into some of the motivations that drive business owners,” said Melina Kennedy, CEO, Central Indiana Corporate Partnership. “Likewise, we wanted to identify reasons that people are hesitant to start new businesses so we can find more resources and ways to encourage entrepreneurial growth.”
The EPOP-IN Executive Summary can be accessed through the download button. Additional information is available on the NORC website at